

2019-01-25 16:51来源:思润雅思托福浏览:

雅思写作考试,考察的写作种类很多,所运用的写作技巧也是不尽相同,今天小编就给大家分享一下雅思写作之议论文写作技巧讲解(3),希望能够帮助大家备考,一起来看看吧。 Ⅱ、八





  Somepeople are strongly against ( disagree with/on/that ) space research, becausethey think it is an extravagant and wasteful project for developing countries.


  Many people are struggling at the poverty line lacking food andshelter. Why not use the limited public funds to help them alleviate(eliminate/get rid of/get away from) poverty?


  The primary responsibility of a government is to help its peopleeliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy.


  The development of tourism creates ( produce, generate )uncountable job opportunities and brings great amount of foreign currency.


  Playing computer games all day lavishes parents’ hard-earnedmoney.

  写作练习 C 3/T 3/T 2

  题目:Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with nospecialist knowledge of the following topic.

  In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paidwork. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it asvaluable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility.

  What are your opinions on this?

  You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience andsupport your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.


  For: 反面背景,如:浪费父母血汗钱 + 正面论证,如:减轻家庭负担,树立劳动意识,知道钱之来之不易,获取工作经验。

  •Atpresent, there is a tendency that children tend to lavish money, particularlythose from wealthy families.

  •Engagingin some kinds of paid work can lighten the economic burden of family,especially some impoverished families, establish the correct recognition ofwork and understand their parents more.

  •Moreover, children can collect valuable work experiencewhich is essential for their future careers.

  Against: 浪费本该用来学习的时间,容易沾染社会不良风气,投入多,产出少。

  •Engagingin paid work, children squander precious time which should be spent on academicstudy. After all, in different life stages people have different tasks tofulfill.

  •At thesame time, it is easier for them to go astray under the influence of bad socialcircumstances.

  •Inaddition, because children have not acquired high-value skills yet, what theycan do is usually exhausting, but low-pay manual work.

  •So itis not difficult to make a judgement that the output is far outweighed by theinput.
